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Ein Ort für Vögel, Modell 1

2023, hazelnut wood, polished gravel, veneers, ceramic, glass, glass paint, acrylic paint, wood stain, lacker

water, birdseeds

 model: 36 x 164 x 64 cm, plinth: 64 cm

BETON Berlin

Located outside Berlin’s S-Bahn ring, between residential buildings and allotment gardens, a unique, brutalist concrete church from the 1960s stretches out as “a remembrance turned to stone.” Next to the architecture a sculptural site for interspecial diversity and cohabitation is installed: Set into an overlooked green side area, a model of the modernistic architecture is placed offering seeds and water to birds and other species. A flute concert invites birds to join the opening ceremony.

After a year the sculptural model has transformed into a fertile habitat for new observation.

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© Antonia Low 2023

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